Balkan Line
The film "Balkan Line" is an action drama centered around a true historical event from June 1999. The secret airborne operation of a small multiethnic unit composed of members from all the countries of the former USSR on the Slatina International Airport in Priština is intertwined with the everyday life of endangered Serbian civilians in Kosovo and Metohija during the bombing of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia. The reassembly of the unit, disbanded after a military mission in the territory of Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1995, on a new battlefield is a secret mission organized to maintain a strategic objective until the arrival of official SFOR and NATO troops. The story, set in the last moments of Yugoslavia's dissolution, involving the rescue of Serbian civilians captured by cruel terrorist paramilitary units, features a melodramatic relationship between the Russian soldier Shatalov and Jasna, a doctor from Serbia.
The director of the film is Andrey Volgin, while the screenwriters are Andrey Anaykin, Ivan Naumov, and Natalya Nazarova. The mixed cast is led by Miloš Biković, Anton Pampushnyy, Milena Radulović, Miodrag Radonjić, Aleksandar Srećković Kubura, and Yuriy Kutsenko. "Balkan Line" is a Russian-Serbian co-production realized in 2019. The film was produced in collaboration with the Russian production company Bless Film. "Balkan Line" is the first co-production supported by the Russian and Serbian Ministries of Culture after a long time. Most of the film, about 70%, was shot in the territory of the Republic of Serbia. Upon its premiere, the film was the most-watched in Russia, while in Serbia, it recorded over 300,000 cinema viewers.